Walton Lane, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8LU
Environment Agency
KT13 8LU | Latitude: 51.381667 | Longitude: -0.456738 |
Grid Ref: TQ 07503 65872
Concrete Quay approx 120 metres mooring space (avoid ferry crossing point marked with signs) a metre wide, steep bank behind, apprx 140 metres Half metre high, slight curve, slight underwater obstruction when river levels low. Do not obstruct ferry landing, look for restriction signs. Do not obstruct Weybridge Ladies Amateur Rowing Club landing stage. This can be a bumpy mooring particularly at the west end (opposite end to ferry landing) and is a very popular location for fishermen. Road access good, there is a car park at the end of the moorings off Thames Street/Walton Lane.
A selection of pubs and restaurants within easy walking distance and more in Weybridge Town Centre.
Local Shops
Nearest shop half a mile up Thames Street with all the essentials. Another few hundred yards there are supermarkets and a range of shops.
Mail Boxes Etc
If you need to receive post or packages or have something to send MBE are your answer. !5 Church Street 01932 482 248
* As supplied by the Environment Agency.
* Please note - The journey calculator is based on travelling downstream at an average of 8km/h in normal river conditions. It excludes locking time as that is so variable. If travelling up stream please allow extra time for your journey.