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East Street Oxford Moorings


Abingdon Lock Moorings

Mooring charges apply read local signs for information

Wallingford Town Moorings

The moorings can be used free of charge from 9am until 7:30pm daily. A mooring fee is charged for overnight stays of £6 (per boat, per night for boats less than 5 metres) and £12 (per boat, per night for boats more than 5 metres) – payable in short term season which operates from 1st March to 31st October. Maximum of 5-night stay only.  Fees collected by Moorings Officer daily or can be paid online.

Goring Lock Moorings

Mooring charges apply read local signs for information 

Hardwick Estate

Mooring £50 per week pre bookable on

Henley Town Moorings

Mooring charges apply read local signs for information

Marlow Lock Moorings

This Mooring is currently unavailable it is awaiting reconstruction

Lady Lindsays Lawn

Shepperton on the Old River

Kings Lawn Moorings

Sunbury in Sunbury Lock weir stream

Charter Quay Moorings

Kingston upon Thames Mooring charges apply during ALL river conditions. Please read local signs for information

Stevens Eyot Moorings

Payment to be made on the Island to a representative of  the Small Boat Club acting as agents for the Environment Agency